Wednesday 24 July 2013

7 reasons why family should ALWAYS come first

Family will give you the love you need without you having to grab it out of them. Family wants to constantly give you hugs and kisses; even if it is annoying, just appreciate it.
There are many reasons why family always comes first. My family is there to give me the support, the love, and the honesty I need. They are the individuals who have known me and been with me from the moment I was brought into this world. Whether it be a family vacation or just relaxing around the house, at the end of the day I know I spent my time surrounded by the people whom I love and the people who love me. Some say that when one has his or her family and health, that’s all that an individual really needs. The reasons why family always comes first are unlimited and endless!

Family is the single most important influence in my life. I learn from and depend on my family no matter what the situation may be and how severe the situation is. My family is always there to pick me up when I’m down or get me going. Knowing that I have such a strong support system behind me makes me want to push myself and better myself. I have been able to thrive due to the positivity and the encouragement I was given throughout my life. I realized that much of my success has come from my supportive family. This is one main reason why family always comes first.
Along with the basic needs, a person has many psychological needs. Everybody needs affection, a sense of belonging, appreciation, and the list of needs just goes on and on, but most importantly a family provides the love you need. Family will give you the love you need without you having to grab it out of them. Family wants to constantly give you hugs and kisses; even if it is annoying, just appreciate it. A family’s relationship is based all around love. Love is why they care, why they give, and why they always want you to progress and do your best.
Ever look in the mirror and wonder if an outfit looked good or have you ever been in a situation where you really aren’t sure if you were right or wrong? Well your family will always tell you the truth, whether you want the honest truth or not. I’ve gotten the typical, “Take that outfit off right now,” and the “You were 100% wrong.” Even if I didn’t want the truth I got it, and for that I’m thankful and grateful. I was able to realize and learn from my triumphs as well as my defeats and wrongdoings. To be able to turn to your family for the truth and for honesty is one of the most comforting feelings.
A family provides you with the company you need. Of course we all need a little alone time, but no individual can be alone forever. Family gives us reasons to laugh, cry, and gives us things to think about. Family members feel genuine about you and they care about you. Think of the worst situation and the best situation and then think of the people who would really be there next to you. Your family, for both. They may give you a hard time here or there, but at the end of the day, they’re still right by your side.
You family members were the first group of people to provide you with the basic needs to survive. Family ensures that you are fed, sheltered, and hydrated. By providing and supplying you with your basic needs, you were able to prosper and become an overall affluent, not only in a monetary sense, individual. As silly as it may sound, your family providing you with your basic needs and you becoming a big success should show you how important your family is because of the values you inherited growing up.
A family relationship teaches you a set of morals and principles that you take out and use to survive in the real world. Family members want to assist and guide you through life to make you thrive. A family member may repeat sayings, such as “Don’t forget to lock the door!” or actions, such as placing the dinner napkin on his or her lap once sitting at the table, and although unrecognizable, it may be done for a reason and a reminder. Try to embrace and take advantage of the help and suggestions given.
The feeling of fear is in every individual. We all want to have a feeling of security and protection. The feeling of security and protection allows us to run our lives smoothly. A family is able to provide this sense of security. You know that your family will stand by you; you know that your family will fight with and not against you; you know you’re not alone. This feeling helps one grow as an individual and flourish later in life. You are number one to your family and your family should be number one to you.
Develop a strong family bond. When out for dinner or spending quality time with the family, put away your electronic devices and actually listen to what your family has to say. If you don’t live as close as you would like to your family, all you have to do is pick up the phone to hear about a family member’s day or to gossip. This can help you develop or improve your relationship with your family. Even if you have an amazing family relationship, create, refine, and retell positive, joyful family stories that remind you of the reasons as to why your family comes first. Does your family always come first?

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